Very few of us know much about drugs - what they are and what they do, who they affect, and in what way. Information is more often than not conflicting, and the technical language used just confuses the reader even more. This is why we are publishing Pin Points. Our aim is to give the general community basic information in plain words. We will add further pin points from time to time, and we may need to amend information, as new knowledge comes to light, but for now we will start with a few sections to give you a basic briefing on the subjects - drugs, parents, prevention and community.
Anything that alters the way you think, feel or act. Can be a natural substance or a synthetic one.
You may think your children are at risk from drugs. Sadly, any child from any family can become caught up in using drugs. Here is a lot of information to help parents.
Everybody knows Prevention is better than cure! Click here to learn about prevention.
Who should be involved? Everybody! Families, friends schools, workplaces, media the whole of society is part of the solution to the drugs problem.